We use Ten Tigers for our grain marketing because they are easily contactable, very helpful and they significantly ease the burden of grain marketing, particularly at busy times such as harvest and seeding. ‘Tonks’ and his team encourage us to take a non-emotive, outcomes based grain marketing strategy that is not necessarily aiming for the top of the market but aiming for a solid result above what our budgeted prices are. By working with cash, pools and swaps we have been able to take some of the volatility out of grain prices. Daily text prices and regular market update emails keep you effortlessly informed and thinking about selling your crop. A phone call can be as brief as “don’t sell today” to a 20-minute discussion about your post seeding selling strategy. Using Ten Tigers has taken half a man out of our harvesting team by freeing my time up to remain more hands on. I don’t have to make rushed or un-informed decisions.